| Peter Rawlings |
| Peter Rawlings grew up in London and New York and now lives in the South Pennines, Yorkshire. His poems have appearedin Agenda, Edinburgh Review, London Magazine, Magma, The North, Oxford Poetry,Stand, Warwick Review and many other publications. He has taught in schools, the Open University and the WEA.He has reviewed theatre for provincial papers and amongst other things has worked as a lab technician, librarian, domesticcleaner, and rug salesman. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Peter Rawlings: The Humdrum Club, June 2015. 44 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-51-0 (= PSPS 14) £6.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), €6.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), US$ 9.00 (+ 1.50 p&p) Send an e-mail to order this book |